Service Pupil Premium

What is Service Pupil Premium?

Service Pupil Premium (SPP) is given to each child who attends a state school, academy or free school and is registered on the school census as a Service child or Veteran, from Reception to Year 11.  The aim is to provide funding to schools to support Service Pupil Premium children with challenges that may arise due to Service life.

The Ever 6, is for children of Veterans, who will receive SPP for 6 years after the Service person leaves Service. 

Schools are held accountable for the correct expenditure of SPP by OFSTED and parents can request how the SPP is being spent to support SPP pupils. It is currently £310 per pupil registered as SPP and this is paid to the school directly every year the child attends that school.

If a pupil changes schools during the school year, the SPP will not follow them to their new school, until the start of the new school year.

How should my Child’s School use Service Pupil Premium?

SPP should be used to support the Service child with their mental health and wellbeing. 

Spp should be used to support the Service child with their mental health and well being, if they are falling behind with school, or struggling with school work, due to relocation or separation anxiety.

 SPP should not be used to fund a breakfast or afterschool clubs, school trips (unless the trip is specifically for Service children and Veteran children), uniforms or equipment (unless equipment is specifically for helping the SPP child maintain contact with their Service person). If a Service family or Veteran family is struggling financially to purchase school equipment, uniforms, clubs etc, there are other organisations and charities who can offer assistance.

 SPP could be used to fund an ELSA, specific training for a staff member in supporting SPP children, trips specifically for SPP children, equipment that will assist the SPP child to maintain contact with their Service person, Service children’s clubs, lunches and celebrations of the Service child/ren.

 If academically struggling due to Service life, it could also be used to fund support staff to help with interventions and assistance.

Useful Links

Click here to read information from the NFF on Service Pupil Premium

NFF - Service Pupil Premium

Click here to read information from the Government about Service Pupil Premium

Service Pupil Premium: what you need to know - GOV.UK (

For information on how the NCC can help with resources and support for your child’s education CLICK HERE

The Sailor’s Childrens Society can provide financial assistance to those in full time education (subject to means testing).

CLICK HERE to find out more

Veterans Outreach Support, provide to support to veterans of the UK Armed Forces, their Spouses and Family. If you are a Veteran and need advice on your child’s school please contact VOS via their WEBSITE

The Royal Navy Forum contains lots of information for serving personnel and their families including information regarding Education and Schools which you can access HERE

Service Children In State Schools (SCISS) is a voluntary affiliated network of state-maintained schools in England that have any number of Service children on roll.  

SCISS is led by a National Executive Advisory Committee (NEAC) comprising of headteachers; Local Authority officers/advisers; representatives from the three Armed Forces Families Federations and representatives from the Service Children Progression Alliance (SCiP), the DfE and the MOD’s Global Education Team. Click HERE to visit their website.

The Portsmouth Parent Board has produced a document ‘Supporting Service Children in Portsmouth’ the document outlines information appropriate to parents, carers and schools across the country. You can access the document HERE'.

Pompey Military Kids

Pompey’s Military Kids is a network of schools from across Portsmouth. The network meets once a term to organise events for their service children, share best practice and talk through Service Pupil Premium. The network is co-ordinated by Aggie’s.

If you would like to find out more about PMK check out the Facebook group HERE, or complete the form below and the PMK team will get back in touch.

PMK Sign up